If i say,i will not only blog about food start from this post.^_<
I'm actually managing two blogs,this blog is all about food and another one is all about my day(No publicly)
But start from now, i'm going to closed another blog and focus on this.
Means, i will blog more about me : )
I'm not going to blog about how i spend my CNY any more seems that Valentines already passed by!Heh~
Lol....what kind of excuses to run away from CNY topic-.-
Let's talk about...music okay?
Listen a song by Bruno Mars on FM today,When I Was Your Man
The lyrics is really very sad T^T
Sad like you can feel how it hurts...
Honestly, i personally thinks that Bruno Mars's voice is really suitable to sing this kind of song,making me feel sad always when listen to his song : (
After listen to this song not less than 20times
What i get is APPRECIATE.
Appreciate the person who stand by you when you are in trouble,fixed your problem together with you.
Appreciate the person who are able to make you laugh even you don't want to.
Appreciate the person who will care do you have your meals in time or not.
Appreciate the person who will wish you good night every night before you sleep.
Appreciate the person who will wish you good night every night before you sleep.
Appreciate the person who will always think for you FIRST!
Unfortunately, our human beings is we will never know to appreciate someone when he/she is beside us until the day they leave us,the day we losing them......
My favourite Korean Song of this month.
I'd listen to this song repeatedly everyday and night @_@lol
It's really nice even thou i don't understand what's the lyrics means XD
But,i have google the meaning just now,don't know it's correct or not @_@
If i could get the correct translation of this lyrics.....