Busy for 7 months already and i'm now finally able to get free for a weeks!
Happy~~Cause finally i'm able to spend some times gossip with my fellow colleagues!Hah..
Know?Every times they gossip,i can't join
cause there are loads of documents queue up on my table and even my drawer!Sigh.......
7 months!!!!Really rare to talks with them.Thought they don't even realize i'm actually a talkative person!
Every times i hang out with friends,the question they frequent ask me was'Why are you being so quiet recently huh?Weird and rare.'
Because i'm very quiet in the office for everyday weyy!!!!
Try to rewind back how i talks last times.Totally forgot already GOSH!
I love to gossip but not the bad type!I hate that!
Feeling happily!I'm having a cup of Cappucino every day!Oh!Wish that i'm not really going to become a coffee addicted!
Bunch of colleagues was a coffee addicted!Must have a cup of coffee every morning!
Mary is going to take supper every night to gain weight.She's invite 3 of us to having supper with her.Well,sad case...
The one who wan to gain weight doesn't gain any weight yet thosed who want to lose weight turns into gaining a few KGS!
That's me!
I'm alternate in between going to Kampar study or KL.
It was really trouble me.
Hards to made a decision.Is okay!I'm still having a year of times to consider it.
Okay1End it here.Going to sleep already!
Good night!
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